Santorum v. Obama, a metaphysical war of Good versus Evil

One man actively seeks to undermine religious rights and freedom and is attempting to replace them with government rights and mandates.   The other man wants to promote religious freedom, promote the moral and even economic benefits of marriage and traditional families.   What we have is one candidate promoting vice, while the other promotes virtue.

Santorum wins big!   Despite what the “mainstream” expected Santorum wins Colorado, Minnesota and Missouri

Yesterday, before any news of primary results was being reported, I spoke with my friend Brian about the presidential race.    Brian echoed what so many others have been saying in the mainstream media, essentially that “Santorum is a nice guy, I would vote for him in a second, but he doesn’t have any chance at being the nominee”.      I replied “Brian, never say never!”

So when I heard the news that Santorum won Missouri, Minnesota, and was doing really well in Colorado, I couldn’t help but to smile.    Several months ago I said the following little prayer;

“Dear God, with you all things are possible, if it is your Will that Santorum should win that it will be done”

Not that God is sitting on the edge of his seat observing the United States political election, but after hearing so many say that Santorum has no shot, I felt compelled to stop worrying, but instead to give it to the Lord.

A couple weeks ago I was speaking to another friend.   He and I both agreed that this election is truly a battle of good versus evil.   Obama has placed an assault on the meaning of traditional marriage and on the family.  He is completely opposed to the rights of the unborn, he bows to foreign kings and apologizes in foreign lands for America’s greatness.

He is trying to create an entitlement state where a vast majority of the electorate becomes dependent on the United States Government.   When people become dependent on hand-outs and goodies, they become loyal voters to those handing out those goodies.    But what they don’t understand, and what Santorum stated so well last night, is that when the Government is powerful enough to create “rights”, they are powerful enough to “take them away, or to dictate how you will use them”.

Case and point: Obama Care and the contraceptive mandate, forcing private institutions (religious and secular alike), to provide contraceptives through their insurance to their employees.

Or what about the Obama Administration silencing a letter from the USCCB to Catholics?   That’s right, the letter spoke out against the Contraceptive Mandate and was sent to priests across the Nation.    The Priests and Chaplains were to read the letter to their congregations.   Military Chaplains were ordered by the Obama Administration not to read the letter from the Bishops, because it disagreed with his almighty-decree.

It is interesting to analyze President Obama and Rick Santorum side by side.    I’m not going to speculate as to if Obama is a purely evil man, but many of his policies are a direct slap in the face of Religious Freedom, Liberty and the Natural Law.    Santorum on the other hand embraces his faith but doesn’t wear it on his sleeve.   Santorum has a way of smoothly intigrating his faith through his policies.   To state it another way, Santorum doesn’t create morally compromising problems when he promotes legislation.

From one extreme to the next, Obama versus Santorum would truly represent the metaphysical war of good versus evil.    One man believes it is permissible to kill a 9-month year old, pre-born child.   He also supports partial birth abortion, where the child is essentially born and immediately killed by having its spinal cord severed.    The OTHER man, has consistently defended the sanctity of human life, from conception to natural death.  In fact, Santurum and his wife defied the odds with their little girl Bella, who they brought into the world despite the “mainstream” wisdom that an abortion would be better.

One man actively seeks to undermine religious rights and freedom and is attempting to replace them with government rights and mandates.   The other man wants to promote religious freedom, promote the moral and even economic benefits of marriage and traditional families.   What we have is one candidate promoting vice, while the other promotes virtue.

Any of the Republican candidates would be better than Barack Obama, assuming they live up to their word and protect religious freedom, repeal Obama Care and lead by virtue.    However, I can’t help but to think that despite the mainstream media’s nomination of Mitt Romney, that Santorum still has an excellent shot at winning the GOP nomination.

By BWildered for

Royce Hood

Royce Hood

Royce Hood is involved in multiple Catholic and Pro-Life apostolates. He currently works with Immaculata Law Firm in Chicago. The law firm specializes in creative financing solutions for Catholic non-profits. Royce is the founder of & co-director of He is also the founder of the Law of Life Summit and a board member with the March for Life Foundation. Royce graduated from Ave Maria School of Law in May of 2012.

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6 thoughts on “Santorum v. Obama, a metaphysical war of Good versus Evil”

  1. No man may be considered as the metaphysical representation of evil, though he commit numerous atrocities and betray those he swore to protect. Three things are helpful to remember here. First, the words of Ephesians 6:12 – “For our struggle is not with flesh and blood but with the principalities, with the powers…with the evil spirits in the heavens.” Saint Augustine beautifully captures this in his defense and rebuke of the Donatists: “We are after the sin, not the men in whom it was made manifest.” Yes, these recent events are worrisome and should give us as Catholics pause, but let us remember that Obama is merely a man who – though while his position counters our own deeply – nevertheless is capable of the same goodness as us. Second, Santorum too is a man, not a savior. We as Catholics have the same responsibility to live as Christ as much as he does, though his potential office makes such a life more visible. Let us remember the warning God spoke through the Israelites in 1 Samuel 5 when He warned them that any king but Himself would abuse them. While governance makes our life possible, let us not think THIS particular ruler our saving grace. Finally, America’s greatness might be compare to Rome’s, Greece’s, Babylon’s or Syria’s: let us not forget how they treat God’s people, too. No nation can ever replace our true, first kingdom. Thank you for this article, otherwise: Santorum does appear a nice alternative to Newt.

  2. Thank you, John, for that reminder. But honestly, we aren’t asking him to save our souls, just to help hold the country together. There is a differance, the first is God’s job and the second is the job of both God and man. I just happen to think he is the man for the job!

  3. If you want big liberal government intruding in your life, vote for Obama. If you want big conservative government intruding in your life, vote for Santorum. Pick your poison.

  4. Rick, spoken like a true Ron Paul supporter. I wonder if Ron Paul’s foreign policy of isolationism, particularly with respect to Iran, would be the same towards Nazi Germany?

  5. Both President Obama and former Senator Santorum are Christians, but there are significant differences between these two candidates. Just as God has commanded, President Obama does not presume to judge others, including parents facing difficult decisions on behalf of their unborn children. He has shown tremendous compassion for people who are struggling through the Great Recession created by his predecessor, and for those facing death without access to affordable healthcare. Senator Santorum, on the other hand, is a puppet of the wealthy who seeks to attract votes through his stances on divisive social issues so he can continue to provide tax cuts for his masters, who worship only money. If this is a battle of Good vs Evil, then Royce has confused which side is which in the struggle.

  6. [Thanks, Royce. Great blog. I saw the following on the exciting net.]


    The Old Testament has time-proven insights into professional vacationers like the Obamas:
    Proverbs 19:10 (NIV): “It is not fitting for a fool to live in luxury – how much worse for a slave to rule over princes!”
    Also Proverbs 30:22 (NIV) which says that the earth cannot bear up under “a servant who becomes king.”
    And Ecclesiastes 5:2-3 (KJV) advises: “let thy words be few…a fool’s voice is known by multitude of words.”
    Although Obama is not descended from slaves, he may feel that he’s destined to become a black-slavery avenger.
    Or maybe an enslaver of all free citizens!
    For some stunning info on Pres. Obama and his fellow traitors, Google “Imam Bloomberg’s Sharia Mosque,” “Michelle Obama’s Allah-day,” “Obama Supports Public Depravity,” “David Letterman’s Hate Etc.,” “Un-Americans Fight Franklin Graham” and also “Sandra Bernhard, Larry David, Kathy Griffin, Bill Maher, Joan Rivers, Sarah Silverman.” Also Google “Islam will purify Jews and Christians” and “Prof. F. N. Lee’s ISLAM IN THE BIBLE [PDF].”
    Since Christians are commanded to ask God to send severe judgment on persons who commit and support the worst forms of evil (see I Cor. 5 and note “taken away”), Christians everywhere should constantly pray that the Lord will soon “take away” or at least overthrow all US leaders (including subversive, America-hating, Jesus-bashing Hollywood shmucks) who continue to sear their conscience, who dangle every unspeakably filthy vice before young people, and who arrogantly trample the God-given rights of the majority including the rights of the unborn. Do we need a second American Revolution?
    After the Obamas are kicked out of the White House, there will be no place on earth where they can escape from scowling folks who wish to belatedly express their gratitude, in tangible ways, to the Obamas who tried to destroy the greatest nation ever.
    For the record I’ll predict that after the Nov. 2012 election, Obama will try something so unthinkably insane that he will be physically restrained and locked up – and remember where you heard this first!

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