Be Not Overconfident

An old advice from Saint Jerome (Priest, Confessor, Theologian, Historian, Church Father and Doctor of the Church) to his friend Heliodorus (Monk and later Bishop of Altinum). This is part of the letter that highly influenced Saint Fabiola to give up all earthly pleasures and to become devoted to the practice of Christian asceticism and charitable work. Letter 14:6

The advice that I give is that of no inexperienced mariner who has never lost either ship or cargo, and has never known a gale. Lately shipwrecked as I have been myself, my warnings to other voyagers spring from my own fears. On one side, like Charybdis, self-indulgence sucks into its vortex the soul’s salvation. On the other, like Scylla, lust, with a smile on her girl’s face, lures it on to wreck its chastity. The coast is savage, and the devil with a crew of pirates carries irons to fetter his captives. Be not credulous, be not over-confident. The sea may be as smooth and smiling as a pond, its quiet surface may be scarcely ruffled by a breath of air, yet sometimes its waves are as high as mountains. There is danger in its depths, the foe is lurking there. Ease your sheets, spread your sails, fasten the cross as an ensign on your prow. The calm that you speak of is itself a tempest. “Why so?” you will perhaps argue; “are not all my fellow-townsmen Christians?” Your case, I reply, is not that of others. Listen to the words of the Lord: “If you will be perfect go and sell that you have, and give to the poor, and come and follow me.” (Matthew 19:21) You have already promised to be perfect. For when you forsook the army and made yourself an eunuch for the kingdom of heaven’s sake, (Matthew 19:12) you did so that you might follow the perfect life. Now the perfect servant of Christ has nothing beside Christ. Or if he have anything beside Christ he is not perfect. And if he be not perfect when he has promised God to be so, his profession is a lie. But “the mouth that lies slays the soul.” (Wisdom 1:11)

“Jesus is your friend. The Friend. With a human heart, like yours. With loving eyes that wept for Lazarus. And he loves you as much as he loved Lazarus.” Saint Josemaría Escrivá — Godwin Delali Adadzie is a Catholic living in Ghana, West Africa. A former smoker (Fish smoker now a Vegetarian) but still loves to drink a lot (of water). He attempts to blog at the Fair (HubBlogs with GADEL), the Good (Blessed Virgin our Mother Mary Immaculate), the Bad (GADEL Said What?) and the Ugly (Catholic Fiction: Responding to Myths & Half-Truths)

Godwin Delali Adadzie

Godwin Delali Adadzie

You can call me GADEL. Apologetics and theology are two of my favorite subjects, and you can read some of my work in these areas at Catholic Answers 101. I also manage - Catholic News and Perspectives. Remember to pray always and some good prayers are available on Powerful Catholic Prayers website. Thank you and God bless you always.

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5 thoughts on “Be Not Overconfident”

  1. Okay,

    “The advice that I give is that of no inexperienced mariner who has never lost either ship or cargo, and has never known a gale. Lately shipwrecked as I have been myself, my warnings to other voyagers spring from my own fears. On one side, like Charybdis, self-indulgence sucks into its vortex the soul’s salvation. On the other, like Scylla, lust, with a smile on her girl’s face, lures it on to wreck its chastity.”

    Here Saint Jerome is using the sea to convey an important message to his friend concerning the challenges, trials and temptations in this life, especially for a monk (clergy). He made it clear that although he is an experience Sailor who has never lost any cargo or his ship, he has recently become shipwrecked. What that means is that as a very strong and mature Christian as Saint Jerome was, he himself sometimes fall into trials or serious temptation. Do you understand this part so I can continue?

  2. I think its the commandments of God that we need to is the letter that highly influenced us to give up all earthly pleasures and to become devoted to the practice of Christianity and charitable work

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